Contact Dash

To chat about anything editorial or publishing, please email Lisette: 

Or phone:

+64 021 33 4663


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Link to read me page with more information.



Lisette du Plessis provided invaluable publishing assistance.
— A happy author

publishing advice and services

Dash founder Lisette has ten years’ experience in the publishing industry. A graduate of the Whitireia Postgraduate Diploma in Publishing course, Lisette has since worked as editor at internationally renowned New Zealand publisher Blackwell & Ruth, as well as a freelance editor and independent publisher. Lisette is always keen to be involved, in whatever way works best for a client – she loves nothing more than sharing her expertise and helping get exciting projects off the ground.

Blurb writing is painful. I’m just so glad we’ve got you writing this one for us!
— A happy publisher client

Dash can assist with all aspects of a publishing project, including (but not limited to!):

  • project management of full book projects, for publishers or self-publishers;

  • editing;

  • print advice and management;

  • audio and interactive e-book creation;

  • fact-checking;

  • art direction and layout;

  • design (print and web);

  • promotion; and

  • launch strategy.

Thanks for helping us get to the crux of what we wanted to say. I’m really proud of what we’ve produced.
— A happy not-for-profit client


Lisette has a long-time collaboration with Luc Design, a graphic design and branding studio, with whom she has developed successful illustrated and non-fiction books, as well as exciting animated e-books in English and in te reo Māori.

Together Dash and Luc can offer a full publishing service, taking a book project from concept right through to final product.

Our read-along, animated ebook was created by publishing and design experts Lisette and Dylan du Plessis.
The duo [transformed] gorgeous illustrations into exciting, fun animations that delight and engage young minds.
— An education client

Dash also offers a full range of editorial services.